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My fields of research include conservation, aquatic ecology and the impacts of human disturbance on ecosystem functioning. I'm particularly interested in knowledge co-production and developing our ability to manage biodiversity and  sea- and land-use decisions in sustainable and just ways.


My current PhD research is concerned with salmon pathogen community composition and spread associated with salmon farming in coastal British Columbia. I combine field studies, molecular analyses with environmental DNA and mathematical modeling to inform better management approaches for aquaculture and sea-use.


I earned my BSc at the University of British Columbia in biology and oceanography, and my MSc in biology at McGill University.

Peer-Reviewed Publications

† students I supervised; * joint first authorship

Manuscripts in preparation are available upon request


10. Grimm J, Sherwood L† , Bateman A & Krkosek M. Dispersal of Atlantic salmon eDNA across territorial boundaries. In preparation


9. Grimm J*, Soares B*, Vaziri L*, Andrade R, Artuso C, Baillard M, Bowles E, Chiblow S, Duncan A, Fraser DJ,
Mandrak NE & Bernos TA. Getting our Species-At-Risk Act together: aligning species listing with
Indigenized models of conservation.  In preparation 


8. Gazing Wolf J*, Painter J*, Grimm J*, Jennings LL*, Reed M*, Ignace DD*, Montgomery M, Plenty Sweetgrass-
She Kills R*, DeerinWater K, Bridge G, Greene C, DeLaCruz J, Vergun J, Nelson MK, Brownell SE. Indigenous
identity, values, and barriers to persistence in settler-colonial STEM institutions. Submitted to Earth Stewardship 


7. Grimm J, Briand J†, Cameron V, Avlijas S, Jarvis-Cross M, Sherwood L† & Ricciardi A. Uncertainty in functional response model selection limits ecological interpretation of results. In Review at Ecological Applications


6. Krkosek M, Bateman A, Bass A, Bugg W, Connors B, Deeg C, Di Cicco E, Godwin E, Grimm J, Krichel L, Mordecai G, Morton A, Peacock S, Shea D, Riddell S, & Miller K. 2024. Disease risks of salmon aquaculture to wild Pacific salmon in Canada. Science Advances. doi:10.1126/sciadv.adn7118 *Middle authors in alphabetical order


5. Semeniuk CAD, Church K, Eissenhauer F, Grimm J, Hechler RM, Howell B, Ivanova SV, Kirkwood A, Klemet-
N’guessan S, Madliger C, Reid J, Thompson-Kumar K, Arismendi I, Penaluna B, Kirkwood AE, & Febria C. 2024.
On increasing Equity and Inclusion of Early-Career Professionals in Canadian Fisheries and Aquatic Science
Societies. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. doi:10.1139/cjfas-2024-0033
*Middle authors in alphabetical order


4. Currie-Olsen D, Hesketh AV,  Grimm J, Kennedy J, Marshall KE, & Harley CDG. 2023Lethal and sublethal implications of low temperature exposure for three intertidal predators. Journal of Thermal Biology 114. doi:10.1016/j.jtherbio.2023.103549. PDF


3. Ray JC, Grimm J, & Olive A. 2021. The biodiversity crisis in Canada: failures and challenges of federal and sub-national legal frameworks. FACETS. doi:10.1139/facets-2020-0075 


2. Grimm J, Dick JTA, Verreycken H, Jeschke J, Linzmaier S & Ricciardi A. 2020. Context-dependent differences in the functional responses of conspecific native and non-native crayfishes. NeoBiota 54: 71–88. doi:10.3897/neobiota.54.38668


1. Hersh E, Grimm J, & Whitton J. 2016. Attack of the Clones: reproductive interference between sexuals and asexuals in the Crepis agamic complex. Ecology and Evolution 6(18): 6473–6483. doi:10.1002/ece3.2353


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